
The Catholic Student Chaplaincy in Amsterdam

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This Summer Seminar is organised by The Hildebrand Project in Steubenville

13th Annual Summer Seminar
June 26-30, 2023
Franciscan University of Steubenville

In this seminar we will explore gratitude as a fundamental moral disposition without which no one can really be happy.  

We are made for gratitude because we are creatures, owing gratitude to our creator for our very existence. We either accept ourselves, our own created being, in gratitude or we reject it in resentment both of ourselves and of reality. 

Gratitude precludes proclamations to absolute autonomy and rejects the Promethean aspiration to complete self-creation, to become ourselves like gods. 

Influential philosophical errors both old and new are marked particularly by their hostility toward gratitude. Marx’s charge to remake the world. Nietzsche’s will to power. The modernist’s self-made man. Transhumanist fantasies for worldly immortality. 

Our culture today is fraught by questions about gratitude. How do we receive in gratitude the goods of our own traditions despite their evils, of which we are increasingly aware? Can we cultivate gratitude in a social-media world of envy, isolation, and self-assertion? Why should we be grateful in the midst of great suffering?

In this seminar, we will attempt to answer these questions and to offer gratitude as an antidote to other challenges, such as feelings of loneliness, resentment, envy, and the self-hatred that oppresses so many today. We will show how gratitude guards against despair, and resists the nihilist attitude that fails to see the value of anything. 

Ultimately, we will propose gratitude as an essential condition of human happiness and human flourishing. In so doing, we will explore the relations between gratitude and contemplation, stewardship, and material creation; between gratitude and wonder, creativity, and invention; between gratitude and beauty, hope, and joy; and between gratitude, self-love, and the love of God. 

We will draw on ideas in Sts. Augustine and Aquinas, Søren Kierkegaard, Romano Guardini, Joseph Pieper, Popes Benedict XVI and John Paul II, Dietrich and Alice von Hildebrand, Gabriel Marcel, Max Scheler, Roger Scruton, Russell Kirk, and many others. We will also draw on artistic expressions of gratitude, notably in poetry (e.g., Gerard Manley Hopkins) and music (e.g. Schubert).

More Information & Apply Online

Please visit our website for more information about the summer seminar, including daily topics, faculty, and scholarship opportunities.

If you have attended one of our summer seminars in the past, you know how special these events are, and we hope to see you again.

If this is your first time considering applying, we hope that you will. Please write to if you have any questions. 

Patron Saint

Our patron Saint John Henry Newman
This is our patron saint Cardinal John Henry Newman.


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Don't let your life be barren. Be useful. Make yourself felt. Shine forth with the torch of your faith and your love.

(St. Josemaria Escrivá, The Way, n. 1)

Corpus Christi

The Church and the world have great need of eucharistic devotions. Jesus is waiting  for us in this sacrament of Love. Let us not be sparing the time we spend going to meet him in adoration, in contemplation filled with faith, and let us be prepared to make reparation for the many grave faults and offences committed against him in the world. May our adoration never cease.


The Holy Spirit is a lover of quiet and repose, of that repose which the souls feels when it seeks and desires nothing but its God. When the soul is habitually in this state of repose, and desires to know nothing but the will of God in order to fulfil it at once, then it enjoys constant peace; and when this peace is there then the Holy Spirit comes to that soul and makes, as it were, his abode there; and he governs and gives orders and commands as one who feels at home. He orders and commands, and is at once obeyed.

(Francisca Javiera del Valle, About the Holy Spirit)

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1016 DZ  Amsterdam
Tel. +31 6 174 172 40 (also WhatsApp)
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Amsterdam University College
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam